a nice way for a family to be born

Birth Stories from The Birth Center Sacramento

Read birth stories told by moms who have given birth at The Birth Center, Sacramento. Share in their joy and learn what a birth center birth may be like.

Davis' Birth Story


MARCH 16, 2022

The Birth of Davis

By The Birth Center client, Kendell

With my son, Cash, I had a standard, natural hospital birth. Overall, it was a good experience, but when I got pregnant again, I knew I wanted something different, especially after my first prenatal appointment for my second pregnancy with an OBGYN. After I told her that I didn’t want to be induced again, like I had been with my son, she said, “Well, we’ll see how you feel at 39 weeks.” Her attitude made my decision for me, and I decided to look into midwifery care and an out-of-hospital birth experience.

I started doing research online, and Ruth and The Birth Center were the first options to pop up on the web search. Ruth and I really hit it off at the first appointment. I felt safe with her from the first time I met her. She understood my need to feel in control during my birth.

For my second pregnancy, I knew what I wanted and what I didn’t want. After I met Ruth, I knew I would have that freedom to make my own choices. I also knew if I had concerns, she would take me seriously and take her time with me as a person. Throughout my prenatal care, we built a really good rapport and relationship. My husband liked her, too, and felt like she would be a good fit for me, and this was helpful for me in making the decision to choose Ruth and The Birth Center for my second baby.

My pregnancy with my daughter was wonderful. I got sick a few times at the beginning, but overall, the pregnancy was very smooth and I felt great. I was much more in tune with and confident in my body than I was with my first pregnancy. I knew how I was supposed to feel and how to take care of myself. Since my son was 8 pounds, 15 ounces, I joked with Ruth that “Babies always get bigger as you go along!” She assured me that, although she felt a lot of fluid around my baby, she didn’t think my daughter was going to be too big. Ruth’s confidence encouraged me since my son’s projected birth weight was the reason I was induced in the first place.

My due date was March 11, and from 37 weeks on, I had very strong cramps every night before I went to bed. I kept thinking I was going into labor, but every morning I would wake up still pregnant! She kept psyching me out! I tried hard to be patient and calm during those three weeks of nightly cramping, telling myself, “She will come when she’s ready.”

Going into Labor

On March 15, the day before I gave birth, I had an appointment with Ruth. Then between 5-6 p.m., I had the worst cramps I had experienced so far, but the night progressed calmly, and I woke up in the morning feeling great.

I went to the bathroom and saw the tiniest tinge of blood when I wiped. I had a gut feeling that this would be the day, so I texted Ruth and told her I had had a ton of cramping and a little bit of blood. I went to the chiropractor that morning and got adjusted and then texted my husband and told him, “I felt weird and I just want to let you know.” He said, “Do you want me to come home?” but I told him I was okay for now.

I started having a little more cramping but not as intense as the night before. It was noon, so I laid my son down for his nap, but the moment I did, I had full blown back-to-back contractions. Since my first labor was only four hours from the induction to birth, I knew this baby was going to come fast. I quickly texted my husband again and told him he needed to come home now, so we could drive to The Birth Center, an hour and 15 minutes from our house.

I called my dad to come over and be with Cash and waited at home for an hour for my husband to get home. I was having intense but manageable contractions the whole time, but I could tell that she was going to be born soon! As soon as my husband got home we jumped in the car and left immediately. Thank goodness, the traffic wasn’t horrible because if it had been, I’m sure she would have been born in the car.

“I don’t know if I am going to make it. I am holding her in!” I told my husband when we were almost there.

“Do you want me to run these lights?” he said, ready to roll.

“No, I don’t want you to get pulled over!”

Finally, we got there, and I was getting out of the car, having another contraction, when Ruth came out to meet us and said, “Still pregnant?”

“Yes, but barely!” My husband replied.

Pushing and Giving Birth

When we got into The Birth Center, Ruth checked me, and I was fully dilated. I needed to go to the bathroom so I could focus. I peed and started having another contraction, but Ruth urged me to come back to the room, so I wouldn’t have the baby on the toilet. Once I was on the bed, I had one more contraction, and my body immediately started pushing contractions. Then my water broke, and the pushing contractions felt overwhelming.

“Stop, stop, stop!” Ruth urged. “You have to stop pushing so you don’t tear!”

It took all my concentration and strength to literally suck her back in as my body bore down! Then I had one more contraction, and she was born at 2:13 p.m., only two hours after I felt the first full-blown contraction when I laid my son down for his nap. I felt stunned at how fast the labor was. I honestly thought this labor would be longer than my son’s because I went into labor on my own, without any induction methods.

I was so happy to see my 9-pound, 10-ounce daughter, Davis! Meeting her was so sweet, and I felt relieved that the labor was over. Even though I stayed super calm, it was very stressful, and I was really worried about taking care of my son and whether or not my husband would get home in time.

Overall though, my labor was manageable and tolerable. I felt an even greater confidence in myself and my body during this second birth. I never had a moment when I thought or said, “I don’t think I can do this,” like I did with my son. With my daughter, I never had that doubt. This is what my body was made for. I was so proud of myself.

Thoughts on My Birth Experience

One of my favorite memories of the birth was when Davis latched almost immediately after I put her on my chest. My husband looked at us and said, “We have two kids now!” We just sat together and soaked in the silence. It was wonderful. The newborn stage is my favorite part. Even though she isn’t inside me anymore, she still feels like she’s part of my body. She’s been such a relaxed baby and so peaceful.

My postpartum has gone very well. I was really intentional about my healing this time. For the first week and a half, I didn’t even get out of bed. I didn’t experience any baby blues, and I only bled for two weeks. Ruth checked on me at two days, two weeks, and two months after the birth to see how we were progressing. 

I’ve told so many friends about my wonderful experience with Ruth and The Birth Center, especially friends who are on the edge, wondering if an out-of-hospital birth might be right for them. We live in a culture and society where birth has become somewhat feared, and it breaks my heart. This is quite literally what our bodies are made for — biologically, emotionally, physically, all of it. It takes the right support system and right care for us to realize this truth, and I want everyone to have that. I want women to know they can do hard things regardless of their history or fears.

My daughter’s birth was so redemptive for me, and I felt so empowered. I am so happy with my amazing prenatal care and birth experience with Ruth at The Birth Center.

For more information about our prenatal care and birth services at The Birth Center, visit https://www.sactobirth.com/prenatal and https://www.sactobirth.com/birth-services.