a nice way for a family to be born

Birth Stories from The Birth Center Sacramento

Read birth stories told by moms who have given birth at The Birth Center, Sacramento. Share in their joy and learn what a birth center birth may be like.

Judah's Birth Story


February 8, 2023

The Birth of Judah

By The Birth Center client, Devon

When I was pregnant with my first son in December 2021, I knew I wanted to deliver my baby at a birth center instead of a hospital setting. I knew in my heart I was made for this and wanted to do it naturally. It was also important to us that we could get to know the people who would be delivering our baby and that they shared similar values to those of our own.

Unfortunately, we attempted a different birth center with our first child. Unlike my most recent experience at The Birth Center, my first time giving birth at a different facility lacked the experience, direction, and support I so desperately needed. I spent the first hours of my son’s life feeling exhausted and in complete shock as I was stitched up for severe tearing. It was not the experience I hoped for, and it left me feeling like I had endured a traumatic event.

When I became pregnant with our second, I started looking at different birth centers in the area — one that could provide the support and empowerment I needed during labor and delivery. I even contemplated going back to the first birth center, hoping I would have a different care team and better experience. However, God had a different plan, and He led me to The Birth Center. This is one of the best things that could have happened for our family.

In Search of a ‘Drastically Different’ Birth Experience  

Upon walking into The Birth Center, I was met with a familiar and nostalgic feeling. The Birth Center was small and intimate, and Ruth’s staff were incredibly warm.

Ruth did her due diligence and exceeded our expectations in every arena. The patient care was unmatched to the care we received at the other center. Throughout pregnancy our baby was measuring on schedule, and all tests came back fine. Two weeks before delivery, Ruth suggested we get an ultrasound to check the positioning of the baby. Like my first, he was “sunny side up” — meaning his head was more likely to be wedged against my pelvic bone.

During my first birth at the other birth center, my midwife was unaware of my baby’s positioning, which led to a very long and painful day of active labor that made pushing extremely difficult.

Ruth, however, identified this in our second baby early on and firmly led the way, which made the world of difference. This helped prepare us for what to expect, how to work through it, and how to effectively birth my little one with no complications. Ruth was extremely knowledgeable with every question I had. It felt like I had an OBGYN, midwife, and pediatrician wrapped up in one person, which was a huge blessing for us. This kind of patient care is unheard of.

An Educated Labor Makes All the Difference

On February 7, 2023, I entered the stages of early labor at 11 p.m. I was able to sleep on and off until around 4 a.m. the next day, when my contractions started to get a little less comfortable. I called Ruth to let her know and eventually entered a sporadic, active labor as the morning progressed.

We arrived at the birth center shortly after 2 p.m. I was having extremely painful back labor — similar to my first experience — but we knew this time it was likely because of the baby’s sunny side up positioning. Knowing this, Ruth gave me sterile water injections in four pressure points in my back. This eliminated my back pain by about 75 percent. Since my back labor was relieved, my body was able to relax enough to progress more quickly.

It was around this time that my favorite moments of this birth took place. I remember walking around the room just breathing through my contractions. I was doing squats and all the exercises they taught me to help move my baby down. The staff encouraged me and ministered to me. I listened to worship music, prayed, and felt total calmness and excitement. I did not feel a lot of fear in these moments though the pain was intensifying. I felt filled with warmth knowing that I would soon meet my little one and that I was in caring hands. The calmness made me feel like my contractions hurt less.

Welcome, Baby Judah!

Leading up to Judah’s birth, I felt calm but still anxious to start pushing. I was scarred from my first experience giving birth, and I thought it might end up the same. Fortunately, Ruth and her team coached me through what to do the entire time. I learned to fully embrace “stretching,” which helped prevent the tearing I experienced the first time.

As Judah’s head came out, we learned that the cord was wrapped around his neck. As I birthed his head, Ruth noticed the cord was pulling him back into me. She carefully and calmly instructed me so he didn’t suffocate. She would say things like “I need you to give me a big push,” “you need to do this, now,” and “push, push, push.” I felt so safe under her guidance that I didn’t even worry. And if I didn’t have someone with the experience she had, my baby’s outcome could have been different.

At 6:30 p.m. February 8, Judah was born. I birthed him on the bed, and it was such a huge relief to hear him cry after a few seconds of silence. I wasn’t overly emotional but breathing to calm myself while thinking, “God is so good.” I remember being very excited to take my first glance at my son.

As I calmed down, I began to look at him in amazement at the miracle that he is. This little human, who looks just like me and my husband, is finally here. So much anticipation led up to this moment, and I could finally hold my little man!

Knowledge is Power

Next, it was time to birth the placenta. This is where an interesting twist came into play. Ruth explained that the way the cord behaved meant I was a prime candidate for hemorrhaging. So about 10 minutes after I delivered, I had a couple contractions. Ruth watched and made the calculated decision not to pull on the placenta, but rather allowed my body to do it naturally while instructing me.

I’m so thankful she is so knowledgeable and skilled in her line of work. She knew how to handle scary situations confidently, swiftly, and effectively. Ruth is who you want to be there when something unexpected comes up.

To top off a beautiful, wonderful birth, Judah basically latched on to nurse with hardly any help from me. He knew exactly what to do just minutes after being in the womb. Human life is such a miracle.

Once we left The Birth Center and got Judah in his car seat, I remember staring at him with a smile on my face. I remember thinking, “This new little life is a part of our family, and it will never be the same.” I think if he could talk, he would say, “Wow, the way she looks at me must mean she loves me so much!”

Reflecting on a Positive Birth Center Experience

Looking back, there are so many people I want to thank.

My husband was there for me and was everything I needed. Even when I wasn’t speaking to him, he still reminded me to stay hydrated and was so attentive. I feel like the luckiest person alive because I love him so much. He’s a rock in my life. And he played a big hand in how I was able to do what I did.

Ruth, Amy, and Janet were so loving and compassionate. They’ve made a long-lasting impact on my life and the life of my family. I have so much gratitude for them. There really aren’t enough words.

My experience at The Birth Center was everything I had hoped for. Ruth was so in control and calm that I felt safe and supported — something I didn’t get my first time around with the other center. Finally, I got to see how you’re supposed to be taken care of during pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond. They truly set the bar for exceptional patient care.

I Couldn’t Recommend The Birth Center More

At Ruth’s center, I know I’m in good hands. I would travel out of state to deliver here because I love the staff and facility so much.

My advice for anyone local would be not to let the big fancy buildings and social media fool you. The experience you’ll have here is unmatched to any other. The Birth Center is very clean and cozy, like a little cottage. The staff will soon feel like family. Ruth is loving, knowledgeable, and kind. She’s just the person you want to care for you and your baby. She truly knows how to take care of business.  

In the future, there’s no one I want delivering our babies other than Ruth and her staff! On February 8, 2023, we didn’t just leave with one more addition to our family. We left with a handful of loving individuals who will be a part of our lives for years to come. God bless every one of you.

For more information about our prenatal care and birth services at The Birth Center, visit https://www.sactobirth.com/prenatal and https://www.sactobirth.com/birth-services.